General tips for the whole Home.

  • Clean through out the entire home (except the garage). This includes vacuuming, cleaning the baseboards and cleaning the windows.

  • Turn off all electronic screens.

  • Turn off all fans.

  • Place all shoes/jackets/coats in the closets.

  • Turn on all overhead lighting.

  • Make sure lighting temperature is the same through out each individual room


  • Turn on all over head lights.

  • In master bedroom turn on side table lamps


  • make sure all light bulbs are in working order and are the same temperature through out one room.


  • Make all the beds including the fancy pillows/shams.
  • Clear nightstands of all personal items
  • Remove any and all clutter from any dressers or shelves.
  • Clean under the bed.


  • Clear counter tops completely, leave nothing behind.

  • Clear the outside of the refrigerator of magnets and papers.

  • Hide the garbage cans in the pantry or garage.
  • Remove all dishes from the sink


  • Clear off the counter tops of everything including hand soap. You can hide them under the cabinet.

  • Put all toilet seats down.

  • Remove all personal items including soap, wash cloths and used towels


  • Natural lighting is your homes best friend! Open up all of those window treatments to let that gorgeous light pour through.


  • Remove all family pictures.

  • Remove/hides anything that contains your or your kids names.


  • If possible make it's best to make your home look pet free.